January 29, 2012

order in the family & the home

Keeping order in family is hard to do, believe me I know. I raised five kids- three of which were step children. To be a family I think you have to act like a family, do things as a family unit and one of those things is to be responsible for the space in which you live. How you ask? Chores! Yup you heard me right we made the kids do chores, age appropriate chores, this is something my husband and I were firm believers in.

Did you have chores assigned to you when you were a kid? My Mom and Dad asked me to do things when they needed doing and I was responsible for keeping my room clean but I don't remember having a regular schedule of chores. I remember doing my own laundry from a pretty young age, and we had a huge house with a big yard. We were always doing some type of gardening or bagging leaves. But all and all we- my brothers and I just did what we were told when we were told, you didn't question you just did.

We made our kids do chores, keeping their room tidy, dishes, mowing the grass (we have a riding mower). Then as they got older they helped with other things,firewood, weeding, planting the garden, vacuuming, and laundry. That's not to say they were happy about any of this because they weren't; well... sometimes they were happy to help! Sometimes it was like pulling teeth.

My daughter cracks me up when it comes to this subject; she and her hubby work full time. To deal with this  she has a list of chores that the boys have to do every week; vacuuming, tidying up their rooms- their bathroom, putting away their laundry, that kind of stuff. I asked her if she had to keep after them like I did her when she was younger. She replied," the kids get an allowance if they don't do their chores they don't get their allowance that means no spending money." "You don't yell at them or anything?" Thinking back to the knock out drag outs we used to have over dish washing and bathroom cleaning. She just shrugged and replied, "I'm not riding my kids like Seabisquit a trip or two to the store without money and they get the idea!" Problem solved for her, but then my grandsons are little angels, just sayin!

Yesterday Bill and I set off to do a few things on our list of many that need to be done around the house. Might as well get some stuff done while we're stuck in the house in this cold weather, right? I cleaned the oven. It has a cleaning cycle which takes 3 hours and leave ashes that need to be wiped out afterwards. Then we defrosted- cleaned and organized all the food in our chest freezer out in our breezeway and closed down our extra refrigerator which stands right next to it. We only use that over the summer months for beer and extra food since we usually have lots of company.

As hubby and I meet ourselves coming and going bringing order to this house and a huge piece of property without the help of the children I started to think.....  I never really gave much thought to how all those things got done after I left my parents house. But I can guarantee like us the did it with a good bit of effort!

How do you do it?

I am so inspired by my friend Melissa over at mamemusings whose word of the month is ORDER or click on this button to find out how you can join in and be inspired too.


  1. I didn't tie chores to allowance for the kids, but if I asked them to do something, they always did it. I just felt like they needed to help out simply because they were part of the family.

    The truth is probably that I did more than I had to simply because I was home, they were at school. I just got it done, ya know?

  2. You know how much I was loving the title of this post and then all of the organizing goodness and then I get to the end and saw my name...*insert squeal of joy*..glad I could spread the love of order!

    You know, I saw clothes on a line the other day and thought to myself how long it's been since I saw anyone with a clothes line (and I live in NC!) I used to love the smell of clothes off the line (and Murphy's Oil Soap..weird, huh). In my neighborhood, clotheslines are banned. So much for progress...

  3. I had chores as a kiddo. My Mom was brilliant and utilized my love for Cinderella by turning it into a "cleaning game"....but we didn't get money or anything for it, it was just expected. Great job on all your organizing!!!

  4. When I was young, my chores came with allowance. That is until I started working after school when I was fifteen. I don't remember chores after that. However, I had the kind of dad that you ALWAYS did what he asked. My mom, not so much.

    As for my kids, usually there was some bickering involved and finger pointing before someone would do what I ask. I would give the chore a timeframe to get done or they couldn't do what was next on their agenda and held to it. Kinda worked.

  5. Ohhh yes! We all had chores in my house, too! My mom also used allowance as a way to enforce chores. I really liked that method since you learn quickly, no chores means no money!!

  6. We had chores in our house. Nothing big...dinner dishes...clean up the room...and dog poop duty which was never my chore because I was the oldest and I would make my brothers do it ;)But we never got an allowance for it.
    My son is only 3 but we make him pick up his toys. Heck I was so proud of him when he (without telling him) excused himself from the table to put his dirty dishes in the sink...swoon.

    1. Gotta train those babies young, my guess is he's gonna be a charmer like his daddy and mommy!

  7. I did chores as a kid and my kids had chores, too. We didn't have 'girls chores' and 'boys chores,' just stuff that needed to get done. The kids kept up on their rooms (pretty well), their schoolwork (very well), and the weekly chores rotated between the three of them and they all complied, for the most part, without argument. Doing dishes was unquestionably the least liked chore and the kids often bartered with their siblings to get out of doing them, which was fine with us. Good like lessons, we thought. :O)

    1. I agree about it being a good life lesson, don't know many people who don't make their kids do them!

  8. I always made my kids do chores, too, and their allowances depended on it!

  9. Jen... we make the chores sound like fun. But then they are 3. I love the list idea with an allowance. In my amazing life - that would work so well. A few things: do you know your "almost address" is on the blog? And... when are we talking photos girl?

    How was your visit with M?


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