November 11, 2011

someone else's worst day

I hate when this happens.

It breaks my heart and turns my inside out every time.

Then I get transported back to the day; a day I'd rather not remember.

My husband ran out to the grocery store for a few things earlier.

And Mom always has a list.

He called from the store to explain he'd be late returning home.

There was a serious accident on the Interstate; multiple fatalities.

A pick-up rear ended a log truck and was then rear ended by a bus filled with college kids.

Med flights were transporting the injured to MCV.

The college kids were being cared for by the local fire department personnel at the fire station.

There are a lot of very scared kids in that station.

I can imagine that their parents are crazy with worry.

And the poor people in the pick-up.

They didn't survive.

We know their loved ones will soon be visited by State Troopers.

That's how it happened with us with our kids accident.

The knock on the door to tell you the news.

And a perfectly ordinary day ends.

That moment never forgotten.

The worst day ever.


  1. Tears filled my eyes as I read this. Two nights ago I dreamt that my daughter was killed... I'm just so grateful she's still alive.

  2. Oh chills, those experiences that transport us right back to our own tragedy are so difficult. I am sure this brings back a lot of terrible memories and heightens your grief. You are in my thoughts Jen.

  3. Terrible dream! Thank goodness that's all it was Susan. You just hold on tight to that sweet child.

  4. Like a flash it hits, I know you understand Jessica. Thanks.


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